Dear Developers,
We are glad to inform that a new version of EhLib software - EhLib 7.0 is available for download.
In this version:
+ Supports LCL Library (Lazarus, Free Pascal).
+ New components: - Component TDBMemoEh - Component TDBImageEh - Component TDBRadioGroupEh - Component TDBRichEditEh
+ Export DBGridEh to Xlsx format.
+ New DefaultAction property in the TEditButtonEh class.
+ In DBGridEh: - Interactive edit buttons when displaying of graphics data - Width and height of scrollbar areas - Advanced drop-down list box to filter the data in the grid (STFilter) with possibility to search and filter data. - New property - PopupMenuParams and customizing of the global drop-down menu for all the Grids of a project using TDBGridEhCenter class.
+ Global class - TDBAxisGridEhCenter to implement a single point of modification the behavior of DBGridEh and DBVertGridEh components.
+ ControlLabel – inline associated label for EhLib edit controls.
+ New components for the cross-tabulation data analysis: TPivotGridEh, TPivotDataSourceEh, TPivotGridToolBoxEh.
All users of version 6 with a term less than one year will receive information about version 7 soon.
_________________ Best regards Admin