
EhLib 6.1 is available for download.
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Author:  Administrator [ 18 Feb 2013, 22:29 ]
Post subject:  EhLib 6.1 is available for download.

Dear Developers,

We are glad to announce the new version of EhLib software - EhLib 6.1.

In this version:

+ A new component TDBVertGridEh - DataSet Grid with the Vertical Orientation.
The component is used to display and edit a single record of DataSet
in a vertical orientation.
Basic properties of the TDBVertGridEh:
Rows: TDBVerGridRows - A collection of items of TFieldRowEh type to display fields
of a record. This is analogous to the Columns collection
in TDBGridEh.
Options: TDBVHGridOptions - Configure basic properties of the vertical grid.
RowsDefValues: TFieldRowDefValuesEh - default values for line
Grid row - TFieldRowEh. This is analogous of ColumnDefValues
in TDBGridEh.
GridLineParams: TDBVertGridLineParamsEh - Color settings of the dividing lines in
vertical grid.
DataColParams: TDBVertGridDataColParamsEh - The setting of the column with data.
LabelColParams: TDBVertGridLabelColParamEh - The setting of the column with row label.

See an example of using TDBVertGridEh in a project:
<EhLib Archive> \ Demos \ DBVertGridEh.SimpleDemo \ Project1.dpr
compiled project:
<EhLib Archive> \ Demos \ Bin \ DBVertGridEh.SimpleDemo.Exe

* There are changes in the grids inheritance tree:
New inheritance tree is:

- TCustomGridEh
- TCustomDBAxisGridEh
- TCustomDBGridEh
| |
| - TDBGridEh
- TCustomDBVertGridEh
- TDBVertGridEh

* Some constants and procedures are moved from the module DBGridEh
to the DBAxisGridsEh.

+ Added a new global function to display a ObjectInspector-like Form.
Use the next procedure to display the ObjectInspector-like Form:
procedure ShowObjectInspectorForm (
Component: TObject; // A component to Inspect
FormBounds: TRect; // Form Borders
NewForm: Boolean = False // Show as a new Form
This is a simple ObjectInspector that can be used to debug
property setting at run-time.

See an example that shows how to use ShowObjectInspectorForm here:
<EhLib Archive> \ Demos \ ObjectInspectorForm.SimpleDemo \ Project1.dpr
compiled project:
<EhLib Archive> \ Demos \ Bin \ ObjectInspectorForm.SimpleDemo.Exe

In DBGridEh

+ Added an ability to change the size of RowDetailPanel by mouse at RunTime.
New properties in RowDetailPanel:
property VertSizing: Boolean - Show an RowDetailPanel Splitter at the buttom of the RowDetailPanel.
property MinHeight: Integer - Minimum height of the RowDetailPanel.
property MaxHeight: Integer - Maximum height of the RowDetailPanel.
property SizingBarBeveled: Boolean - Splitter area has a 3D border.
property SizingBarHeight: Integer - The height of the Splitter.

+ Added an ability to darken gray the grid while the data is loading.
See StartLoadingStatus and FinishLoadingStatus methods in the TDBGridEh.

See the example that shows this opportunity in a project:
<EhLib Archive> \ Demos \ DBGridEh.LoadingStatus \ Project1.dpr
compiled project:
<EhLib Archive> \ Demos \ Bin \ DBGridEh.LoadingStatus.Exe


Visit official site of EhLib for more Detailed Information.

Best regards:
Dmitry V. Bolshakov
+7 (812) 758-72-67 (voice in Russia)
Home page:
ICQ # 10785451

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